EmmaLee Holmes-Hicks


EmmaLee Holmes-Hicks is based in Providence, Rhode Island and is available for concert performances as well as special occasions and events in the area and across the country. Audiences and clients appreciate the quality and feeling of her music and the playful and engaging musical interactions between EmmaLee and the musicians she works with. Every performance and special occasion is given care and a personal touch. 

With over 20 years of experience in performing and arranging music and ensembles for special events, EmmaLee is comfortable with many different styles including classical, traditional fiddle, ragtime, jazz and popular music. She works with hosts and clients in making each event meaningful and enjoys catering to each person's musical taste.  

Below are some examples of the types of ensembles that EmmaLee has booked:

  • String solo, duo, trio and quartet

  • Violin and piano duo

  • Violin and marimba duo

  • Fiddle and guitar duo

  • Fiddle, guitar, banjo and percussion fiddle band

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